ReefAquarium;229911 wroteNo unlike boxing, this has to be one of the easiest games to "fix".
Question is... what side is the fix on?
naw, these boys were training there asses off well before the ufc was like this...some have 30+ grueling matches behind them and 1000's of hours of getting punched in the face to get there. guys get broken arms, busted noses and eye sockets, giant cuts, blown joint, chocked unconscious, knocked out and so on. there are genuine beefs between guys that started well before there stint in the ufc. they train to win and be the best fighter, it means alot and they are very competitive. people sometimes think its set up because the fights don't look like the movies....real fighting is really boring.
the only setting up is the match ups, many times ringers will be thrown in with someone who they will obviously crush to get them a good title shot and fans behind them. look at leben vs anderson silva. people were shocked but dana and the likes knew silva was gonna crush leben.
also when a champ goes down in an awful way i chalk it up to mis timed pain killers. i see alot of guys step in the ring and look like they just let themselves get beat up but i really think they were stoned.
its not rigged if thats what you meant.