kilowarning;227099 wroteAlright it happend again.... This time it was at a 25/50 cent table and I brought 20. The biggest stack was at 24 when I sat down so I though 20 would be enough. I was only a few hands in sitting at 26$ when I get delt AK. The table was playing retarded, a style that can only be witnessed on party poker thanks to all the euro's. So i get Ad Kc I'm in late pos and 3 ppl have limped in before me. I raise it up to 3.50 with 2 calls and a fold.
Flop Ah 8h 2s
Buddy bets 3$, followed by a raise to 7 $ I call, Buddy pushes all in his stack was just under mine, the other guy calls instantly putting me at a decision for all my chips. I put on the clock just to think to my self, wtf is going on here.. There was a few things I put him on, AQ 88 KK but most likely I thought he was just chasing the nut flush. So I called.
Turn Qd
River Kc
As soon as I saw the river I instantly said YES !
Buddy shows his set of 8's which was followed right away by a . NO !
20 bones down the drain, shit took me like 4 and a half hours to make playing low stakes :(
I guess I just posted this because AK seems to be a losing hand for me lol. Also I've only played 10/25 a handful of times because it's still a little more then I can afford to risk with my bankroll. Anyways fml... again?
As ridiculous as people are at these levels, most people are not complete morons.
A $3 raise, followed by a re-raise? That's a fold of AK IMO - all you have is one pair.