Hobbes So I was screwing around with some singe table hyper-turbos today assuming I could just cash out the FPPs and be on my way (dam slow scrolling in the tourney lobby). Anyways played 6 60FPP tourneys in round 1 to the SCOOP-H ME and made round 2. Round 2 was an easy ticket to round 3 (you can't get off the train till round 9) but 40% of the field moves to the next round. If you make it past round 9 you can cash out for $2100 or go for the 10.3k ME ticket. This ought to be fun. Round 3 is May 8 @ 15:15 with the rest of the rounds on May 16th one after another. On a side note...why the hell do people limp in hyper turbos?
westside8 Hobbes;225565 wrote On a side note...why the hell do people limp in hyper turbos? Because you can limp-call/limp-reraise with a 10xBB starting stack and get paid off!
Hobbes Starting @ 1PM with round 4. If I make it through round 8 it's $2100. :) [] Round 4 [] Round 5 [] Round 6 [] Round 7 [] Round 8