actyper;225577 wroteWhy no rejamming that flop on the first hand?
Because I really don't like my reverse implied odds and I think I'm getting called by almost all hands villain is raising the flop with and I'll rarely be crushing those hands
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt
11,880 games 0.001 secs 11,880,000 games/sec
Board: 6s Js 3d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 29.200% 29.20% 00.00% 3469 0.00 { QhQs }
Hand 1: 70.800% 70.80% 00.00% 8411 0.00 { JJ, 66, 33, AsQs, AJs, KsQs, QsTs }
20,790 games 0.001 secs 20,790,000 games/sec
Board: 6s Js 3d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 50.625% 50.63% 00.00% 10525 0.00 { QhQs }
Hand 1: 49.375% 49.37% 00.00% 10265 0.00 { JJ, 66, 33, AsQs, AJs, KsQs, QsTs, AJo }
Something like that if I want to be pessemistic, I probably have to shove any safe turn though