Scoops You can now browse the forum easily using Tapatalk. Tapatalk is a forum app for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia. The app provides super fast forum access to any vBulletin, IPBoard, phpBB and SMF forums that have activated Tapatalk. Forum owner can download the free plug-in to activate Tapatalk in your forum.Tapatalk - iPhone Android Nokia forum app for vBulletin and phpBB Check it out..Report any problems here.
DataMn I had been using this during the weekend during the RC. Does anyone know if there is a feature on this one to get the "New Posts" just like if I go to the website? And how about checking PMs? Al
SteveKerr There is a tab at the top that you can choose that says unread posts. PM'S show up on the bottom under messages
Hobbes SteveKerr wroteThere is a tab at the top that you can choose that says unread posts. PM'S show up on the bottom under messages +1 and you can quote by tapping the message you want to quote. Oh the time I'm going to waste now. :)