I don't have much info on villain at this point, but his turn bet was screaming he had me beat at this point. What's your move?
Known players:
Preflop: Hero is MP3 with A:spade:, J:diamond:. CO posts a blind of $0.00.
BB posted big blind of just $0.00 and is all-in.
UTG1 calls $0.05, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.05, CO checks, BU raises to $0.25, 2 folds, UTG1 calls $0.20, Hero calls $0.20, CO folds.
Flop: ($0.82) 4:spade:, T:heart:, A:club: (3 players)
UTG1 checks, Hero bets $0.50, BU calls $0.50, UTG1 folds.
Turn: ($1.82) 3:club: (2 players)
Hero bets $1.00, BU raises to $4.49 (All-In), Hero ??
rough spot.
I fold here. The flat call on the flop is a bit sketchy, either he has a set or is married to his KK/QQ - I suppose KQ is a possibility but I think you're running into big hands more often then gutshots.
My guess here is that he has AT or AK and is affraid of the FD on the turn?
imo you played this hand horribly sorry to say so.
If you're going to play AJ you need to raise preflop, especially after a limper. I would make a 4x bb bet here. Making a raise preflop is almost as important as being in position imo. Taking the lead preflop and post flop wins you pots more times then not. It's an easy way to keep your opponents guessing.
I don't think it is EVER good to call oop with AJo, its much too vulnerable and you never know if you're good. This hand is a perfect example of RIO.
As played, either 3bet preflop if you think your hand is better then BU or fold. 3betting is sketchy obviously cause BU may ship. I'd only 3bet ehre with a read on villian, and i was willing to call his all in.
What site?
Ok. AJ at a 10 handed table. I am going to assume Pokerstars, so judging from my previous experience with NL .05/.10 I will assume the table is fairly nitty. I think you make the right limp the first time around (bonus points for folding, which is probably marginally better at a tough table) but DEFINITELY need to fold to the raise before the flop.
The turn is somewhat problematic in that it puts up a wider range of hands for the button to spazz out on, namely any two broadway clubs are going to look fairly attractive here. And of course he could have just called your flop lead with AK or a monster. A fold seems like the default play. But it is ILLOGICAL to play the hand before the flop, hit this board which is fairly good for this hand, and then fold. Thus in order for calling before the flop to be correct, calling on the turn must be correct, in that for the preflop call to be correct the button must be something of an action player.
Anyway, to reiterate my point, I recommend a fold before the flop.