• Online Poker
  • Touchscreen Multitabling Online and Multi table hints.

leafster99;223464 wrotePoker on a touchscreen computer?
Sounds like an awful idea, DUCY?
leafster99;223644 wrotePlease expand on this. As touchscreens are now affordable and
more sensitive, (not to mention multitouch capability), might it not be the future? I can go either way on this, and would just like to hear some more arguments about it. Also, I'm going out to buy a wireless rechargeable mouse. Any recommendations?
I was looking at it more from a poker playing point of view. It just doesn't seem practical.
leafster99;223644 wrotePlease expand on this. As touchscreens are now affordable and more sensitive, (not to mention multitouch capability), might it not be the future? I can go either way on this, and would just like to hear some more arguments about it.
I think the technology's there, but not the poker software. I'd give up on clicking the checkboxes entirely and just wait 'til it's your turn to act and you can hit the big button. What do you use for a numpad? Sorry, I'm trying to picture your setup on the couch with this massive screen on your lap...
ReefAquarium;223678 wroteI would not recommend that you go cheaper.
Seconded; if you want comfort, functionality and quality you'll be paying a pretty penny. That said, the Revolution isn't the only mouse out there, I have a G7 that has lasted me a while.
sounds awful...for $100 can you get your old computer back?
Hang to Dry;223697 wrote What do you use for a numpad? Sorry, I'm trying to picture your setup on the couch with this massive screen on your lap...
No. I still play mostly on my laptop on my lap. It's big and has its own number pad. LOL. I don't think I could handle a touchscreen monitor on my lap for any stretch of time.

I ordered a stylus on ebay $2! shipped, and it should come tomorrow. I compare the mouse with the screen and if anybody is interested, I'll let you know how it turns out. I've always struggled with seven tables on my laptop for omaha 8, and I see some guys playing 20 tables well. I'm not young anymore (44), so I don't think I'll ever get close to 20 tables, but if I can do 12 I would be thrilled. I'm curious as to how long it takes people to get there and whether its simply a matter of tightening up their opening hand selection or just keep adding one more table and getting comfortable with it.
leafster99;223764 wroteNo. I still play mostly on my laptop on my lap. It's big and has its own number pad. LOL. I don't think I could handle a touchscreen monitor on my lap for any stretch of time.

I ordered a stylus on ebay $2! shipped, and it should come tomorrow. I compare the mouse with the screen and if anybody is interested, I'll let you know how it turns out. I've always struggled with seven tables on my laptop for omaha 8, and I see some guys playing 20 tables well. I'm not young anymore (44), so I don't think I'll ever get close to 20 tables, but if I can do 12 I would be thrilled. I'm curious as to how long it takes people to get there and whether its simply a matter of tightening up their opening hand selection or just keep adding one more table and getting comfortable with it.
If you're talking about full ring limit O8 that is by far the easiest game to multitable -- pay the $100 and get your old computer back.