Laflare;223038 wrote100% they are bots. they played esactly like bots.. played the odds..pretty much never raised pre flop only called... would never go all in pre flop... they pretty much played towards the player like calling someone who has shown bluffs and folding to guys that show the winner more often. also would call small bets and fold to larger ones almost all the time unless they really had something good. also the whole table were calling them out for 2 hours on the chat and they both never said one word.. we pretty much cought on how they played and used it against them so eventually we ended taking them out during the later stages of the tourney.. but yah im 100% convinced ft has bots..atleast here
also both of them had a city name like QC for quebec city and winnipeg... who really puts there city as a name
I'm in a really bad mood today so may I ask you to please take these retarded ,good for nothing ,loose tinfoil hat accusations somewhere else and stop wasting our time unless you have a real reason to believe you've been wronged by bots