darbday;222886 wroteanyone play it different pre flop
Nope. I think the raise was good, if not maybe 150-250 more then my standard at the level with a limp from EP. I may have raised to 750-850 or so.
Shoving pre is bad as you want to accumulate chips. And while the 500 in the middle is 10% of your stack, with KK here we are looking to get as much as we can. And you want EP's call with the probably under pair or KJ/AJ type hands.
With you can't b/f on the flop with 2300 in pf and only having 3900 back. So if you are betting 1/2 pot here, you are left with 2700 and if he shoves you are calling 2700 to win 7700, giving you near 3 to 1. If he snaps you off with 22/33 or jj (jj unlikely as most would raise pre), it is a cooler and you got unlucky, but we still have a chance to hit our two outter or BDFD.
So pretty much the only line given the pot/stack size is b/c or shove flop. B/C sucks calling off pretty much believing you are behind, but to fold there against villains who will show up with AJ, QJ or a flush draw a good portion of the time is bad IMO.
I shove the flop and happily take a fold most of the time and a standard cooler the other times.