compuease;222378 wroteNice that you were right but I would really consider this somewhat spewy. He could have absolutely anything from complete air to a monster... Do you find these calls are profitable in the long run? I am much likely to take this sort of approach in a live game where I can watch a guys mannerisms... Can't bring myself to do this online though. Guess that's why I only play micro's online.
I can't agree with the range you're putting him on here. It's either gonna be like 78, Q8, Q7, QK, missed draws or air (and an agressive player would pop QK pre). With this in mind I decided to call down on the turn since he didn't seem like a very good player judging from the hand previous to this.
Edit: Throw in some thin K high fd shoves in his range too I suppose
I've dealt with players who think pots are free cause noone shows strength before them quite a bit before and either this is profitable in the long run, or I'm repressing most of my failed calldowns