I have recently entered into a bet with a longtime friend and regular player for $1000.00 which I was hoping you could help me out on. The bet arose from a hand that played out which ended with one player holding an ace high flush and another a straight flush. The player with the ace high flush announced “nut flush” at the end of the hand and the other player then revealed the straight-flush winning the hand. I cannot recall or not if the straight-flush was the nut straight flush or not but it shouldn’t matter either way. The issue that came out of this particular hand was whether the player with the ace-high was incorrect in announcing he had the “nut flush” due to the fact that he was beat by a straight flush. My position on this is that there is a clear difference between having the “nut flush” and having the “nut straight-flush” or any straight flush for that matter. I believe that each hand category has a “nut”. Such as the “nut straight” or “nut full-house” and that the “nut flush” is simply the highest possible hand in that category. Through my research I have found various sources that back up my position such as Wikepedia’s definition of the “nut hand”:
Terms such as "nut flush" or "nut full house" may be used to refer to the strongest hand possible in a particular category, even though it may not be the nut hand overall. For example, a pair of aces with the above board could be called the "nut full house", even though there are two higher (but very unlikely) hands possible. Terms such as "second-nut flush" and "third-nut straight" are also applicable. The straight A-K-Q-J-T and any highest-possible flush is also often referred to as the nut flush/straight, regardless of any pairs/other threats on board.
Spam link removed by moderator, nice try.
Nut Flush: holding the best possible flush, generally an Ace high flush is considered the Nut Flush, but a straight flush beats a Nut Flush and can be considered the best possible flush hand.
And finally, nolimit-poker.net ’s definition:
Nut Flush - Player has the highest flush possible. Example: (Player has A, 5 of hearts and the board shows 2,7,J of hearts)
This bet has been going on now for over a month without either of us conceding. I have had numerous local players agree with my opinion and he has few that agree with him. According to his logic the “nut flush” could also be a royal flush which I believe is just ridiculous. A flush is five cards of the same suit that are not in sequential order. Therefore the “nut flush” would be the highest possible hand under than context. A straight flush is five cards of the same suit that are also sequential. I believe that by announcing a straight-flush as a “nut flush” is misleading and would be borderline slow-rolling in most circles and I would like to have a pro’s opinion on the topic. Can one player hold the “nut flush” and be beaten by a player holding a straight flush? Thanks for your help with this. I’m looking forward to finally ending this bet either way.