David "Ghettofabolous/Malicous222" Randall and I will be holding a two week in person poker camp in Las Vegas from May 24th through the 31st (exact dates TBA this week). The camp will be taking place in a house rented specifically for the camp.
During this camp we'll spend time covering every key area of online mtt play. There will be plenty of classroom style concept lessons, you'll be able to ghost our sessions, we'll ghost your session(all sites except ftp), we'll have a ton of poker theory discussions etc. We'll basically be totally focused on the camp participants personal poker development. Participants will typically receive 60+ hours of coaching and poker instruction.
When: May24th through 31st (Fly in on the 24th and out on the 31st)
Where: Las Vegas, NV
Below you will find a sample schedule of what a week at poker camp will be like:
Day 1:
10am- 7pm Players arrive at pokercamp throughout the day
On day one you'll go through some key NL holdem courses in order to develop and/or refine your NL holdem skills. The courses that will be taught include:
7pm: Chipping up early in NL Holdem mtt's
8:15pm: Blind on Blind play in tournaments.
9:30pm: Short stack play.....Be the ninja!!!
10:45pm: Mid to late game strategy: Riding the big stack.
Midnight: adjourn for the night
Note: if you've already taken these classes I have added some new elements and changed a bit of the advice to fit the changes in online play. Also, a refresher never hurt.
Day 2: Resources and Self analysis
During day two we'll show you the tools pros are using to analyze thier game and exploit leaks in thier opponents. We'll spend time learning how to use Holdem Manager/pokertracker effictively, including what different stats mean and how to use them to exploit your opponents in mtt play. After covering resources and self analysis we'll begin the process of going through one complete HH per student (that you choose and send me). We'll discuss the different hands and situations you encountered and explain how you could have played them most optimally. I'll also take time to give you a number of things to work on after we complete the HH review.
2pm-3pm Self analysis: The key to longevity in poker!
15 min break
3:15pm-4:15pm How to use stat tracking software effectively(Pokertracker/Holdem Manager)
15min break
4:30pm-5:30pm Begin Personalized HH analysis
5:30-8pm Dinner and time for relaxation
8pm Camp participants begin an mtt session with instructors available to watch, dicusss, critique etc.
Day 3: Putting the pieces together
On day 3 you'll get the chance to see Ghettofab and I put together all of the things we've taught you so far into action and attempt to take down an mtt. This is a great opportunity for you to see how the pro's play first hand.
12:45pm til 3am+ Group sweat session
Day 4: Sng and HU play
On day 4 Ghettofab will be breaking down HU play. There's very little info out there on HU play for closing out mtt's and Ghettofab happens to be a very strong agressive HU player who has almost twice as many wins as 2nd place finishes playing some of the highest stakes online. In addition, I'm going to show you my unique style for HU play. Even if you are already very good HU, this will give you some ideas on how to approach it differently and switch gears HU.
2pm-3pm Ghettofab teaches aggressive HU
15 min break
3:15pm-3:45 Ghettofab plays HU live and explains his thought processes
3:45pm-4:45pm Herschelw teaches his unique HU strategy
15min break
5pm-5:30pm Herschelw plays HU live and explains his thought processes
5:30pm dinner + relaxation time
8pm Camp participants begin an mtt session with instructors available to watch, dicusss, critique etc.
Day 5: Day off to enjoy Las Vegas
Day 6: Show us what you learned!
On day 6 everyone will play thier typical mtt session and attempt to implement the things that they have learned. During this session we will be available the entire time to answer questions and give you feedback on hands that you play. We will spend some time with each player watching thier tables and talking through hands and situations as much as possible. If one of our group members does end up getting deep in a tournament(as long as there is not another player still left in that tournament) we will actively coach them through the end of the tournament with everyone else listening on through skype.
8pm til finished- Group poker session with coaching
Day 7
$1k buyin WSOP event day 1a will be played by campers(who elect to buy themselves in) and coaches. Those campers who don't play the WSOP event will be able to play another live event at caesar's, binions ventian etc...(obv providing thier own buyin).
Note: The schedule is a sample schedule and actual activities each day may vary.
Just a couple of quick tidbits of info on Ghettofab and I for those of you who aren't familiar with us:
Ghettofab accomplishments:
Won the $100 rebuy 5 times on stars and once FTP
Won the $100r cubed on ftp
Won Super Tuesday $1k buyin
3rd in the $750k Guaranteed 3 times
Won FTP $75k Guaranteed 3 times
Herschelw accomplishments:
Final tabled Sunday Million
Won a Pocketfives Triple Crown
2nd place finish for $300k in the Moneymaker Millionaire Final
Won the Sunday $100r Quad
I was asked to list my previous proteges/long term students so here are a few:
Terrellk11(WSOP final table for $200k+)
Chomper4(50+ FT's so far this year.)
Ma77th3gr34t(FTOPS win for $100k+)
I've worked informally with a variety of other players who have since really broken out in terms of thier mtt game. A couple of them are:
Indariva($150K+ 3 way chop in the $5k buyin at the Venetian)
Toomanychecks(recent $15k and $8k scores)
Reserve your spot now!
Space is limited and this camp will likely sell out like our last one did! Reserve your spot now to guarantee you'll be able to attend or there may not be space available!
$1799 for 1 week of poker camp for Pokerpwnage Members($1999 for non-members)
To reserve your spot send a $300 non-refundable deposit to herschelw on stars or full tilt. If you'd like to make payment on Cakepoker, UB/AP or paypal that can be arranged.
The cost of the camp includes housing in our rented house/mansion. It does not include the cost of food. We typically ask everyone to contribute an equal amount toward the cost of food when they arrive and then make a grocery trip. You must provide your own transportation to the rented Villa.
What you can expect from us:
1. Typically 60+ hours of coaching, poker discussion etc over the course of the camp.
2. Our complete focus and attention during the camp.
3. First class teaching.
4. That we will truly care about helping you to improve at poker.