jdAA88;221093 wrote.25/.50, 6-handed home game, effective stacks are $100,
- posting this hand for my friend, who is the BTN in this hand.
UTG raises to $1.50, mp calls, CO calls, BTN calls with :jc:9h, sb and bb come along.
flop::10d :qc :kc($9.00)
checks around to CO who bets $6.50.
BTN flats (?....your opinions on flatting this flop with our hand)
sb folds, BB, utg, and MP all call.
turn: :ac ($41.50)
checks around to BTN, check or bet, and your reasoning for either?
Wow. Loosest home game ever? (5-handed on the turn after a 3/4 pot bet on a VERY wet board)
On the flop: Could argue either for a call or raise. I think flatting is fine here, as nobody else (OOP) has shown strength yet, and we've got the 2nd-nuts with redraws. I don't see the CO betting with a 9-high flush draw (maybe Tc9c or 9c8c, but no other flush draws make sense; A-high flush draw might make sense, but we see that's not the case on the turn), and we'd like to see one player stay in the hand to get more value out of it. The only thing we don't want to see on the turn is the board pair.
On the turn: We've caught up to AJ, but now we're losing to a flush. Ordinarily I'd say it's unlikely anybody has a flush (the only flushes that makes sense are Tc9c and 9c8c; otherwise, it's an easy fold pre-flop or post-flop for worse flush hands). But then again, I don't see how this is still 5-handed after the flop... would need more info on these villains. Do they call pre-flop raises with 23s-67s, and call flop bets without sufficient explicit pot odds on flush draws?
Still, I'm betting here. We've got the top straight and nut flush draw. If another club hits the river, it's unlikely we'll get any value out of it (unless somebody happens to have Tc), so best to get some value now. Re-evaluate if somebody check-raises huge (probably call a c/r unless it's all-in; then it depends on the opponent).