GTA Poker;221402 wroteMaking money in full ring limit is all about understanding hand values preflop. Cold calling with this hand in this position is a terrible play, period.
is it really called cold calling when he raises? and when you say 'in this position' hes actually in the best position in the hand.
i'm fine with it, not a limit player, but with a big pot you stand to make some money on certain boards. its likely most of the others are holding high cards, so you just have to be able to laydown top pair, or 2nd pair post flop. 2 pair is a good flop but not ideal. i may have checked the turn but im a nl player so im guessing for limit. i do think though, or assume that many intermediate players over play suited connectors, just a theory.
They had a lot of outs but you got to see a large pot for fairly cheap with a good shot