i know that this forum has regular games at stars and tilt.
i know that people on this site run regular live games as satellites to live tournaments.
would anyone be interested in this forum running an online version of satellites to live games? it could even be set up as a series/season (i.e. a season of a few $5 buy-in games (or whatever) as opposed to one or two higher stakes games). the overall winner wins a "seat" into a live tournament and those who finish in the top 5 (or whatever) win a piece of his/her action in the tournament.
obviously it would depend on the amount of people interested in playing whether it would work out or not, but thought i'd suggest it as an potential option.
...guess not.
I think it has potential but maybe part of the buy in banked over 10 games to go towards online tourny
I think as an online sattelite would work better unless you intend to hold a live event in Regina....
I think its a good idea in principle.. but I'm pretty sure Stars is limited on how we control things there.
For example, I dont think accumulative victories and points can result in a ticket to a better (bigger buy in) tourney, it would have to be in house organized.
As is, I think its better to win cash, and do as you wish with it.