the near begginings of a HU match, tourney style.
I am on the button. Cards are dealt out and I have :7c:5c. I limp, am rasied and call. Bear in mind, my opponent rarely folds to a raise pre.
flop comes :as:7h:5d
at this point, my opponent flashes one of his hole cards (Kd) to me by accident while holding them in one hand and stacking chips with the other. I tell him that I believe I just saw the Kd, he confirms by showing me and when asked if we redeal, he says that he will play the hand. Is the hand dead at that point? I don't believe so myself but want clarification for next time. If it is, then from here on out is moot but I shall continue anyway.
Knowing I have him beat and not wanting him to flee, I check, he bets, I call.
turn :as:7h:5d:10d
2 diamonds now, no King. He checks, I bet out and he flat calls.
river :as:7h:5d:10d:jd
He leads out with a pot sized bet. My thoughts at the time were, "he knows I saw his diamond, is he repping the flush because he missed completely? was his other card also a diamond? or did he get lucky the other way and river a straight with a KQ o/s? "
What would you have differently throughout the hand and what do you do after the river bet?
*FYI: I don't play HU*
So I assume you didn't check/call the flop since you're on the button...
I am not crazy about button limp. I would 3x or muck.
How much is turn bet? I probably would bet the turn a decent amount. It's quite drawy esp with his Kd. Depends on how deep of a stack you guys have I guess. HU I bet his 3xpf range includes Kd9d or maybe worse.
Do you think he's capable of bluffing this river? When he's strong does he pot the river?! Also how strong do you think he thinks your hand is? if I were him, I wouldn't be convinced that you are that strong.
Stack sizes compared to bet sizes would be beneficial, but as played, I would most likely call the river bet.
You both agreed to play the hand after exposing, so it should play out like any other hand. You have the advantage that's all.
thats quite the turnout of streets for this situation lol. what a river card.
one question to ask, although it might not be so relevant is "what kind of hand does he still want to play after showing a card" but i guess he coulda just been a good sport not wanting to ruin your hand.