syphilaids;219159 wrote
Hammerdad I really dont mind his bet sizing as long as its > 1/2 pot. FD will float whether you bet 2 chips or pot, cause if he hits he knows he can stack you. The best reason for betting more is to charge the draws on beating you, to increase your equity in the long run (as long as you can still fold the turn / river).
Here it doesnt matter how much you bet just as long as you bet. He's got a 6 outter and a 25% pot equity. As long as you bet more the 1/4 the pot you'll come out ahead (but fold the turn)
But unfortunately for him, he didn't bet >1/2 pot. He bet ~40% pot. While still not giving villain the right odds to call, the blind levels were still low and villain probably believed (like I would most times) that the price was cheap enough, even though the odds weren't there, to call.
I would've called with 55 there also as the 120 in like 280 just seemed a) weak and b) enticing. Yeah, I know I could be very well getting valued bet drawing to maybe 6 outs (AA has me down to 4 outs). But if I miss the turn, it is an easy fold, losing what I would feel is the minimum.
Betting ~240 puts a lot of pressure on villain as that is about 20% of their stack. If villain still calls....well, not much you can do. You charged a price that was more then high enough to weed out his draw. But by betting barely over your PF raise into 2 villains just seems weak IMO.