Scoops Here is a list of games that can be installed. Pick a few and I'll get them going. 12 Babes of Xmas (Dechevious) 3D Superball (Limpkinw) Apples (Snowy) Aski (Oblivion Knight) Asteroids (John) Breakout (John) Bugz (Snowy) Candy Tetris (John) Cell-Out (Oblivion Knight) Chopper Challenge (John) Cop For This (Snowy) Crazy Closet (Snowy) Curveball - Updated Version Available (John) Curveball v2 - Updated Version Available (Oblivion Knight) Curveball v3 (Oblivion Knight) Disc Dash (Tjdrico) Eskiv (Oblivion Knight) Fishing the Sea (Dechevious) Flyplane (Snowy) Gyroball (Snowy) Helicopter (John) Hexxagon (John) Japanese Baseball (Dechevious) Jason's Pong (Oblivion Knight) Kicksup - Mini (Dream) Kicksup (Dream) Magic Ball (Snowy) Mission To Mars (Angry Beaver) Mosquito Kill (Dechevious) Mumu (Snowy) Ollie Skates (Dechevious) Othello (Snowy) Parachute Panic (Dechevious) Ping (Snowy) Rabbit Hunter (Dechevious) Radial Snake (Dream) Reactor (Snowy) Shape Game (Boofo) Simon (John) Smack the Rabbit (Dream) Snake (John) Snakeman (Snowy) Space Invaders (John) Starship Legend (John) Target (John) Tetris (John) Trampoline Tricks 2 (Dechevious) Tritryst (Oblivion Knight) (TheSwede) Typing Test (Oblivion Knight) UFO Shootout (Dechevious) Vforce (Dechevious) Watch Out (Snowy) 5 Card Draw (Dechevious) Alien Attack (Dream) Alien Commander (Freev3Games) Alien Invasion (Snowy) Anime BlackJack (Xmorpher) Apple Hunt (Dechevious) Arkanoid (Jimmy) Asteroids 2003 (Snowy) Autobahn (Snowy) Balloon Bomber (Tjdrico) Bart's Watersports Adventure (Dechevious) Basstroids (Freev3Games) Bat Punch (Dechevious) Battle of Helms Deep (Dechevious) Big Bird Hunting (Dechevious) Blackjack (EvilS1`) Bomb Blast (Dechevious) Booger Flick (Dechevious) Bounty Hunter (Freev3Games) Boxteroid (Snowy) Bubble Trouble (Jimmy) Bug Juice (Dechevious) Bunny Grab (Dechevious) Burger Time (Snowy) Capture The Flag (Snowy) Chicken (Marty) Crab Volleyball (Dechevious) Crazy Cars (Dechevious) Crazy Koala (Dechevious) Cub Shoot 2 (Dechevious) DNA Golf (Dechevious) Dog Game (Dechevious) Donkey Kong (Classic) (StlMike) Donkey Rocket (Dechevious) Drag Race (Dechevious) Duck Tracker (Dechevious) El Emigrante (Oblivion Knight) Fish Kill (Dechevious) Fishwater Challenge (Dechevious) Flash Poker (John) Flashbert (Bryant) Fling The Cow (TheSwede) Fly Shoot (Dechevious) Funky Pong (John) Gary Golf (StlMike) Ghost 2000 (Angry Beaver) Girl Power (Snowy) Home Run Rally (Dechevious) Homeland Defense (Dechevious) Iceberg (Snowy) Invasion 2196 (Dechevious) It's Mine (Dechevious) Jawashoot (Snowy) Jukebox Hero (Dechevious) Kaboom (Oblivion Knight) Karts (Oblivion Knight) KF 9000 (Oblivion Knight) Lasagna From Heaven (Oblivion Knight) Lawn Pac (Dechevious) Lift (Dechevious) Mac Man (Dechevious) Magatack (Yale) Mahjong (Grognement) Map Test (Snowy) Mini Putt 3 (Snowy) Missile Attack (Dechevious) MJ Baby Drop (Dechevious) Monster (Snowy) Ms Pacman (Dechevious) My House Is Bigger Than Your House (Oblivion Knight) Mystery Science Torture 3000 (Bloopy) Pacman (John) Pere Noel Killer (Dechevious) Plasmanaut on Fire (Dream) Plastic Saucer (Snowy) Pop-Up Killer (Oblivion Knight) Rainman (Snowy) Ratman Ralph (Oblivion Knight) Ron North's Jewels (Dream) Rotation (Oblivion Knight) Roulette (EvilS1`) Run Sam Run (Byog) SAM Site (Dechevious) Shootout (Oblivion Knight) (TheSwede) Skate Boarder (Dechevious) Smaug's Treasure (Dechevious) Snake Shooter (Snowy) Snowball of Doom (Unknown) Space Hunter (Dream) Space Runner (Snowy) Starcastle (John) Super Mario Mushroom (Snowy) Toby and Kiki (Dechevious) Turkey Shoot (Dechevious) Virus 2 (Oblivion Knight) War in Iraq (Oblivion Knight) Whack a Nazgul (Dechevious) Word Race (Dechevious) Worm Race (Snowy) Xmas-Boarding (Angry Beaver) CTD High Jump (Dechevious) Cutie Quake (Oblivion Knight) Defend Your Castle (Oblivion Knight) Desert Battle (Snowy) Dick Quick's Island Adventure (Oblivion Knight) Disco Racer (John) Donkey Kong Jr (StlMike) Eggs (Xmorpher) Enemy Shooting (Dream) Fall Down (Snowy) Fast and Furious Street Racer (Dechevious) Fishing Impossible (Dechevious) Fishy (Snowy) Flatout Minigame (Oblivion Knight) Fly Eatin (Snoopy) Fly Sui (Oblivion Knight) Frogger - Classic (John) Frogger 2 (Xmorpher) Fun Santa (Dechevious) Fun Surfing (Snowy) Gandy's Quest (Dechevious) George Wants Beer (Unknown) Goo Slasher (Snowy) Grand Prix Challenge 2 (Dechevious) Graveyard (Snowy) Gunman (Dechevious) Hit the Mole (Dechevious) Home Run (Snowy) Hook Line Sinker (Dechevious) Ice Hockey (Snowy) Ice Racer (Dechevious) Jack's Bar (Oblivion Knight) Jail Break (Dream) James Bomb (Oblivion Knight) Jet Pac Stan (Oblivion Knight) Jetpacker (Snowy) Juggler (John) Just Pitching (Dechevious) Keg Stand (Dechevious) Killer Bob (Dechevious) Kirby's Star Scramble (Oblivion Knight) Kitten Shooting (Dechevious) Lane Bowling (Snowy) Lawinen Surfer (Oblivion Knight) Life Bouy (Dechevious) Lost Your Marbles (Oblivion Knight) Mad Shark (Dechevious) Maeda Path - Updated (Snowy) Maeda Path (John) Mahjong Connect (Unknown) Mahjong Solitaire (Dagger) Makai Grand Prix 2 (Dechevious) Mario Catcher (Oblivion Knight) Mars Patrol (Oblivion Knight) Meat Grill (Snowy) ****l Slug (Dechevious) Mini Pool 2 (Snowy) Mini Putt 1 (Xmorpher) Missile Strike (Oblivion Knight) Mission Mars (Oblivion Knight) Money Money Money (Dream) Monkey Diving (Oblivion Knight) Monkey Jump (Snowy) Moon Patrol (John) Mouse Kill (Snowy) Navy Battle (Snowy) NFS Underground (Dechevious) Ninja Kid (Xmorpher) Ninja Turtles 1 (Snowy) Ninja Turtles 2 (Snowy) Paintball (Snowy) Pedestrian Killer (Snowy) Pencak (Snowy) Penguin Pass (Snowy) Penguin Paul Icecream Blowout (Dechevious) Pin Headz Bowling (Snowy) Pipe Mania (Snowy) Play 4 Traffic (StlMike) Plops (John) Pogo Panic (Snowy) Population Tire (Dechevious) Qmanoids (NuclioN) Quarterback Challenge (Bryant) Quick Shot (Snowy) Rally 2100 (Dechevious) Rapid Motion (Oblivion Knight) Red Beard on Gold Hunt (Dechevious) Roach Kill (Dechevious) Rocket Racer MX (Dechevious) Roller Blaze (Dechevious) Rope Walker (Dechevious) Run N' Gun (Bryant) Sack Smash (Dechevious) Sharp Shooter (Snowy) Shoot The Gatso (Snowy) Shuriken Challenge (Dechevious) Simpsons Shooter (Dream) Skate Park (Dechevious) Skeleton Park (Xmorpher) Slack Man (Xmorpher) projectw is better Slalom (Dechevious) Soap Bubble (Xmorpher) Sober Santa 2 (Oblivion Knight) Sofa Longjump (Dechevious) Solitaire (NuclioN) Sonny Sunshine (Snowy) Space Rescue (Dechevious) Spank the Monkey (Xmorpher) Speed Cards (Xmorpher) Speedy Thief (Dechevious) Sperm Wars (Yale) Spider Jump (Xmorpher) Spy Hunter (John) Square Bear Trivia Squares (STLMike) Squid Hunter (Dechevious) Squirrel Soccer (Oblivion Knight) Stan's Ski Jump (Dechevious) Stick Avalanche (Snowy) Streaker (Oblivion Knight) Stuart's Xtreme Skateboarding (Oblivion Knight) Submarine (Snowy) Suicide Puppy (Snowy) Summer Games (Dechevious) Super Fishing (Dechevious) Super Hackey Sack (Snowy) Takion (Dechevious) TIE Fighter Shooter (Dream) Tiger Moth (Oblivion Knight) Tiger Punch (Dechevious) Tontie (Bryant) Tontie v2 (Oblivion Knight) Treasure Diver (Snowy) Trotter Track (Yale) Turbo Turtle (Dechevious) Twelve Swap (Dechevious) vbTetris (Dream) Virus (Oblivion Knight) War on Terror (Dechevious) Warthog Launch (Dechevious) Weapons of Mass Destruction (Snowy) What a Shot (Oblivion Knight) White Van Man (Snowy) Witch Hunt (Dream) Word Up (Snowy) Yankee Go Home (Dechevious) Yeti Sports 1.0 - Penguin Bashing (Bloody Version) (Dream) Yeti Sports 1.0 - Penguin Bashing (John) Yeti Sports 1.5 - Pingu Bashing - 5 Hits (Xmorpher) Zelda (Snowy) Zoo Keeper (Marty)
PL4YTIME Super Mario Mushroom (Snowy) Parachute Panic (Dechevious) Zelda (Snowy) Super Fishing (Dechevious) Sharp Shooter (Snowy) Run N' Gun (Bryant) Paintball (Snowy)
Sharantyr Gotta look again tomorrow but with a quick glance tonight I say at the very least Donkey Kong :)
JohnnieH I'm not going to name specific games, but basically any 80s arcade era is cool with me. Thanks for getting on this so quickly Scoops!
JohnnieH Cerberus;216907 wroteBurgertime FTW!!! We have BT already! Some donkey has the high score^-^
Cerberus JohnnieH;216913 wroteWe have BT already! Some donkey has the high score^-^ hahaha. oh man, when I get free time on tuesda, that's changing from a donkey to a complete jackass :D
Scoops All game requests have been added..A number of them were already installed so just do a search in the games list if you don't see what your looking for. Report any problems here as I haven't tested them yet. EDIT: Seems the scores aren't saving on the new games. Looking into problem.
JohnnieH Milo;217338 wroteIs there a Tetris knock-off in there? Actually 2. A normal Tetris and a Mario-version also.
Milo Well, there goes Tuesday night . . . as long as there is no Arkanoid I can still have a life . . .
Scoops Sharantyr;217048 wroteI think Super Mario Mushroom is broken. It will not allow me to play it :( This game has been fixed.