T8urmoney GTA Poker;215072 wrote9/9 final table ftw -- fuck grinding online cash games this shit is fun...ima motherfkn mtt pro wtf showed GTA PLO MTT? What's first pay in that (around 3.5G?).......seriously thinking about calling in sick to play daytime PLO MTT....probably overlay in most PLO....daytime anyhow. tid
GTA Poker I placed 8th first is 3.25k. Was a soft field IMO. Was by far the shortest stack at FT and picked-up AKQJ UTG shipped it and someone had AA...drawing dead by the turn
actyper Thats the beauty of this double guaranteed, not the overlay, this is the softest fields ever.
GTA Poker actyper;215100 wroteBTW you guys should play this $10k super turbo KO PLO High. FUnnest tourney ever. missed it i guess
T8urmoney actyper;215100 wroteBTW you guys should play this $10k super turbo KO PLO High. FUnnest tourney ever. yeah, it's awesome......lasted all of 1 hand tonight.....lol
T8urmoney OK......first night not going so well.....played 9 tonight....small cash in 3, still in the 21K $3 rebuy (pretty good overlay, about 4K) sitting 21/24, then I'm done for tonight
GTA Poker T8urmoney;215221 wroteOK......first night not going so well.....played 9 tonight....small cash in 3, still in the 21K $3 rebuy (pretty good overlay, about 4K) sitting 21/24, then I'm done for tonight i didnt play any -- s/n? nm found u
T8urmoney GTA Poker;215103 wrotemissed it i guess Daily at 5:45 MST (or close to).....normally gets 300 - 400 entries....had a crap load today this is a 'must run good tourney'
jdAA88 ya perf start to the night, not even sure why i bother playin these $26s: Poker hand played on Full Tilt Poker with a pot size of $5,880 - Pokerhand.org
Wetts1012 jdAA88;215392 wroteya perf start to the night, not even sure why i bother playin these $26s: Poker hand played on Full Tilt Poker with a pot size of $5,880 - Pokerhand.org Seems about right. Sick table draw for early in a 26 tho. Threatnasty (c30fanobv) and Orange.
Richard~ jdAA88;215392 wroteya perf start to the night, not even sure why i bother playin these $26s: Poker hand played on Full Tilt Poker with a pot size of $5,880 - Pokerhand.org I though this was exactly why we bother playing them :P
jdAA88 Richard~;215394 wroteI though this was exactly why we bother playing them :P haha yeah you're right, but overall im down in $26 mtts. [x] in b4 sample size
actyper Wetts1012;215393 wroteSeems about right. Sick table draw for early in a 26 tho. Threatnasty (c30fanobv) and Orange. c30fan always seems to be at my tables this week. Day off today, feels good not to lose $ and maybe get some sleep tonight.
jdAA88 actyper;215632 wrotehaha my biggest cash so far is in a limit tourney! 3rd for $750 nice, gl in others, pretty sure you'll be making a bigger cash tonight!
T8urmoney actyper;215632 wrotehaha my biggest cash so far is in a limit tourney! 3rd for $750 I find myself reaching to click 'register', so I have to slap my hand and say 'no!!'. Probably a good overlay?