Tilter You can think about it this way. You're getting a 3K discount on the main pot. It's you vs spewy donk for a 12 x 2 = 24K side pot OR maybe he folds to your shove. And you're probably going to have 60+% equity vs him. Otherwise you're calling another 16K to play for 3K + 19K + 19K + 12K (53K). That is some sick odds and if they all have pairs like 66 ABC vs TT Tag vs 88 Spew, you're in a pretty sick spot with a lot of equity. The structure looks quick, I'm getting my chips in here. Sure AK is foldable, but g'dam we're playing 13BB effective stacks.
syphilaids DennisG;213926 wrotestill 30% with a dead ace? seems high.. Yeah thats if donk wasn't in. 2 outter is about 18% I believe.