Richard~;212861 wroteShoving is lighting money on fire ICM wise, let the short stack blind out first
I think ICM would be a major consideration if we were shoved on and were looking at KJ and have to fold. But when you're on a stack of 6BB waiting for a stack to blind out, there is no guarantee shorty will blind out when all-in from the BB in the upcoming hand. So if you post/fold the blinds when its your turn, you'll be down to ~4BB before the shorty is forced all-in and if shorty wins, you're now in a competition for 4th with little fold equity as compared to still playing for first. And blinds will be going up soon as well.
If OP listed payout structure, it would give us a better sense of calculating ICM vs call ranges of 725K + 2.7 M stack.