philliivey;215952 wroteLOLOL
Would you love a wrestling match with epic?:D
yes it went all in on the flop
Having some good luck this afternoon(non poker wise) so hope that transfers to thee pokee tables
epic_donk;215954 wrotenon poker wise? so your boyfriend isnt mad at you anymore philli? Im glad to hear that.
Cybriuserb, you attempt at being witty and intelligent makes me lol@ you, as I could mop your ass at the e-felt any day.
Sorry, I missed whatever sad ass comment you tried to make there fed as I was busy reading philli's confirmation of my question that was both valid and awesome. Try again cubby.
As for the efelt, how many times did you say that and challenge me? How many times have I been ready, willing and able to shut your mouth and take your $12 bankroll, yet you have still not followed through? Get this through your thick, imbacilic skull: you have nothing to help anyone with anything aside from the day you finally leave and never come back, which will give such an epic (pun intended) level of peace to all of us.
Get on with it.
Philli, keep kicking ass my friend :)