Tilter;212831 wroteI don't mind checking back the flop. You could get him to turn what he folds on the flop into bluffs and you'll even out of those way ahead/way behind situation. A c-bet on a deeper stack plays the hand out easier because you have the option to fold, but when you make a cbet with the awkward stacks (you don't want to bet/fold 1/2 your stack) its like committing yourself.
Thanks for that comment. As I read more and more posts about reading different hands, about each possible (better or worse) play, it is helping me to see the different ways people think, including myself.
I thought my bet of almost the value of the pot, half his stack, would make him fold, as I would have been more than happy to take the pot right there. However, I knew I was calling if he shoved, so yes, I was committing myself. I guess I was just surprised that he shoved, especially since I did re-raise him pre.
I see why checking the flop could be alright, however, with JJ I do not think I would be comfortable giving up my preflop raise power or for that matter giving him the free card on the turn to make 2 pair, or at the very least the chance to hit the ace I am pretty sure he has. Or because he raised, perhaps a free chance to set mine with a small pp, and that would be more of a possibility in my mind against almost anyone but him at this point.
A check here would also, in my mind (if he really thought on the flop his 7 was good) still invite him to stay in the hand even if I reraise a turn bet. He may also look at that second deuce on the river as a possible bluff card after a senario like checking flop, bet/raise/calling the turn.
Now, against someone I was unsure of, giving myself that option to fold is ofcourse something I would consider, but in this situation I was very confident of my read, and I am glad that it held.