epic_donk;212091 wroteI picked my stakes... since you dont like them, you can pick the stakes and amount and even game that you are comfy with.
We will set a date, PM me when u can sit down for an hour or so to play.
You didn't pick your stakes, you looked at what I put and said "oh fuck that I'm going to put in stakes outside the max that Cerberus put down to try look like a big shot because in actual fact I have no talent, skill, ability, balls or penis size to be getting into this matchup in the first place and maybe by doing this I can get Cerberus to run for the hills."
Or something of that nature.
I'm online all day. Come find me.
And learn how to spell my name right you twit. At least put a modicum of effort into your attempts to be a jackass. This can't all come naturally.