Licentia;211546 wroteHello all,
I am just wondering if anyone here is or knows of Loose Aggressive's who are profitable at higher levels of Fixed Limit Hold'em.
I have noticed the play at $3/$6 especially on PokerStars is very tight, the Shark type players waiting for only the very best hands and then raising, never limping.
Seems to me that LAGs would get stomped at that level because if they showdown with TAGs they will often have the lesser kicker. Also there is the simple fact that the pot odds justify betting on a hand like AKo to the end with 1-2 opponents at the Flop because if no one has hit a pair then AK will win the pot.
By all means LAGs can be profitable at NL. I just want opinions on FL.
You're right, you shouldn't LAG with AX vs TAGs AK ...
LAG is not profitable at tables with mainly Loose Passive calling station type players that are ubiquitous in the lower limits.
There is not point being aggressive with air if you must end up showing the donk a hand.
LAGing it up is a good tool, against tight passive/weak tight players.
LAG is also a nice gear to have if you've been pegged by your table as a TAG.
Please note:
Good LAGs don't go against TAGs AK with AJo, they go up against AK with 33 or 76s.