Wetts1012;211441 wrotefml I didnt know that existed. I like it ^^^^.
Start this Sunday? We all pick 5 -10 tournaments by Saturday that we're going to play (or choose to count).
Say $20-$30 to the winner (points based).
edit- the vertical multiplier I used there is the "buy in"..I used a flat 50 dollar buy in (no fees) for the equations...so that varies...
The formula I think is widely used, but i converted the final table multiplier for the BSPT...I am trying to rank all our players BC wide...not sure it will fly...
The other thing leaderboards do...is that they allow as many tournaments as you want to play...but only X number of your best finishes count...so for us...maybe top 5? Then the players aren't feeling pressured to get 10 in? Some of us do have lives ya know??? :P (not me...but someone else might)