Milo;209607 wroteThanks GTA, this is what I am getting at, and why I hoped you'd respond, as I know you've been playing mostly Omaha for a while. I am playing limit Omaha while I try to build my BR (0.50/1.00), and have doubled my BR in a week. I recognize I will be heading for the inevitable variance downswing at some point, but I am enjoying the game.
Basically I am playing a fairly tight selection of starting hands (High Pairs, double suited, middle to high rundowns depending on position, no gappers above 1). If I lose 50% of my buy-in I go elsewhere, if I double up I stick around, but leave if I drop below 50% of my profit.
I've never played limit omaha other than the occasional 20/40 session at Port Perry (have played tonnes of LO8). If you are playing full ring then it really is different from PLO in that you are relying heavily on preflop hand selection. Basically only draw to nut flushes, don't overplay nut straights, dump non-nut straights in multiway pots, dump non-nut fullhouses with much action in multiway get the idea. Preflop you want all of your cards working together -- 1 gap hands or runs without gaps preflop single or double suited (9875, 9876 etc), QQ+ with active sidecards, don't overvalue bad aces preflop multiways, etc, etc...I'm tired but if you have any specific questions let me know.
Edit -- free advice will require more pics of your car