Sharantyr;209405 wroteYes I know. Too much to hope I am not the only one who always tries to play the best game I matter what the buy-in or lack of one.
The 'best' game you can play cannot be accomplished in a freeroll.
This has been discussed over and over again, but the punchline is that you are wasting your time in a game that is not representative of actual poker as you will NEVER win these based on skill, but rather, a shitload of rungood and the grace of God.
Freerolls like this are degeneracy and a misuse of time better spent reading say..HOH where you would learn that set mining for 6k when the guy has like 64k back even in a loose game like this isn't ideal even IF you had some reason to believe that he's going to stack off..(IE: read of monster pair to which he is lawfully wedded) You don't.
Better play of this freeroll hand involves sprained wrists and (at this stage in the tourney)
SEVERAL empty booze bottles.