Milo I have 2 tickets >>> Platinum seats. Sec.118, Row 22, seat #'s 19+20. They are for the Raptors/Knicks game on Wednesday April 14th, 8:00 p.m. start time. Anybody interested?
[deleted] lol, ill buy one and go with ya milo... we can play NLHE HU while the games goin... imo, of course.
Milo fedh8er;207743 wrotelol, ill buy one and go with ya milo... we can play NLHE HU while the games goin... imo, of course. Owing to the fact that you are far superior to me in the poker skills department, I will pass.
Graham Milo;207740 wroteFace value is $185.00 per seat. I have two tix. We can talk. Hmm... yea, thats a bit rich for my blood. Thanks anyway though!