CompleXEH So 1 thing I hate about playing online is that I find myself talking on MSN while I play and well I was just playing I was sitting good 3/19 and so someone messages me and I look at it and when I went to go back to my game as soon as I clicked on it and of course dumb me I didnt look where I clicked called an all in to leave me with about 1k in chips and sitting 17/19 :( That will teach me to chat on msn.
[deleted] CompleXEH;206742 wroteSo 1 thing I hate about playing online is that I find myself talking on MSN while I play and well I was just playing I was sitting good 3/19 and so someone messages me and I look at it and when I went to go back to my game as soon as I clicked on it and of course dumb me I didnt look where I clicked called an all in to leave me with about 1k in chips and sitting 17/19 :( That will teach me to chat on msn. lmao... sry for laughing but thats funny, its happened to me as well.
CompleXEH its all good I laughed about it after (taking a few big pots helped) but yea worst part is, it's not the first time lol
88Fingers :) it has happened to most ppl on here I an sure. I try to not chat when I am playing online. sometimes it is easy.......
[deleted] Kristy_Sea;206810 wroteI don't even use msn since the dawn of skype. Soooo much better. Kristy, add me to skype! U know you wanna see me on cam.... :)
Kristy you can add me, as can anyone else on this forum: Kristy.Sea (Just make sure you send me your forum I know who it is)
[deleted] Kristy_Sea;206819 wroteyou can add me, as can anyone else on this forum: Kristy.Sea (Just make sure you send me your forum I know who it is) I really dont mind getting neked tho. You can PM newdz too.. im still waiting...
philliivey Kristy_Sea;206819 wroteyou can add me, as can anyone else on this forum: Kristy.Sea (Just make sure you send me your forum I know who it is) cooooooool, we have Kristy's number:)
Hobbes 88Fingers;206752 wrote:) it has happened to most ppl on here I an sure. I try to not chat when I am playing online. sometimes it is easy....... yup 3 times in 1 game. Accidentally called off 1/2 my stack with J7 :D FU moose.
Kristy fedh8er;206823 wrote You can PM newdz too.. im still waiting... Actually, and this is a true story, the most naked pics of me on the internet are already on this forum.