Scoops Lets play right now guys..Sitting a Stars table EDNA ...$1/$2 limit. and yes I've been drinking.. Put in chat window your from here as i'm just sitting out waiting. BTW Playing under username: Stroke EDIT: Switched games..Well try and get a ring game going again soon with PFC members.
Kristy I'm going to bed..but I took the time to Sharkscope you before I did. I'm disappointed to report that "Stroke" has an ave buy-in of $54 and is a 90/100 for "ability". I had a dream where he'd played 5000 $1 sngs and was a losing player. *sigh* That woulda been amazing. You only have 49 games played maybe the dream may come into fruition eventually ;)
Scoops Alright I'm sick of ring games.. I haven't played those sngs forever but think its time do give them a shot again.
[deleted] Im sitting here watching you, making player notes... yes, im that hardcore and professional.
DennisG fedh8er;206562 wroteIm sitting here watching porn, making player notes... yes, im that hardcore and professional. fyp.
[deleted] DennisG;206638 wrotelol.."fixed your post". oh haha i see it now. Ive made alot of poker notes on alot of you guys already... just sayin...
westside8 fedh8er;206641 wroteoh haha i see it now. Ive made alot of poker notes on alot of you guys already... just sayin... HU4Rollz?
[deleted] westside8;206642 wroteHU4Rollz? im cold decked this week.... ill do a couple hundred tho if u want, after im done my drills on stars... come find me if u want.. and join.
westside8 fedh8er;206649 wroteim cold decked this week.... ill do a couple hundred tho if u want, after im done my drills on stars... come find me if u want.. and join. Not the next few nights, but Sunday night 200NL FO?
[deleted] westside8;206653 wroteNot the next few nights, but Sunday night 200NL FO? im always down... I got notes on ya from last night ;) ill pm you when im back form belwood.
compuease fedh8er;206660 wroteim always down... I got notes on ya from last night ;) ill pm you when im back form belwood, around 1pm.fyp