Richard~;206227 wroteI guess someone has kings at the same times as someone else has aces (#seats at table -1)/2,2 percent of the time. That means that you will have kings vs aces 1/2,2 percent (or about once in 200 ) of the times that someone else has aces or kings and they'll have aces or kings about 3,6 % of the times you have aces or kings.
Apart from that kings suck out 18% of the times given no dead kings which means that you loose against kings ((#seats at table -1)/220 times 0,18 ) which is about 0,65% of the times you have aces.
...I guess ^^'
Edit: Furthermore I guess that means you'll be at the wrong end of aces vs kings 0,15 promille (or 0,015 % ) of the hands you play. Not that much if you put it into perspective
That took a few edits but I think I finally got it right, I'll go to sleep now
thank you, i like to put it into perspective.