moose Ok order placed. Moose 304 chips JohnnieH 50 $100, 50 $500 = 100 total TheGame 150 $1, 75 $5, 25 $25 = 250 total .32 ea USD + $41.95 USD shipping and brokerage chopped 3 ways. No need to pay until chips arrive as I won't know if we will get hit for brokerage until they get here. PayPal Conversion Rate as of Dec. 30, 2009: 1 Canadian Dollar = 0.924307 U.S.
iNano78 This just in from owner of TheChipRoom: CHIP UPDATE 1-15 Just got a call from the freight forwarder. The chips somehow cleared customs, without the Bill of Lading. It must be with the shipment. The chips are on a truck heading to The Chip Room!!!
moose The order came short 17,000 chips. Not enough to fill our order. We will have to wait some more.
The_Game Those chip look very nice, Damn can't wait to put my hands on it. Hey I need 3-5 chip racks. Do you have any for sale or anyone else on this site. Moose let me know when the order is ready to pick up.
JohnnieH moose;212913 wroteYeah I have some racks to spare. You can have whatever JohnnieH does not take. $4 ea. I'd forgotten that I asked you about racks. Actually I don't need any, I've got two 500pc cases to hold my entire chip collection. Thanks tho!
JohnnieH moose;212955 wroteDo you still need another aluminum case? Nope, I still have less then 1000 chips.
CompleXEH wow those are nice im excited to get like 4 months? :P Makes me want to order some more!
JohnnieH The_Game;214100 wroteMoose Did you receive the full order. IF yes Can I pick them up Tomorrow. +1
moose They have only filled orders placed up until Nov. 27. As I said before, the full order from China did not ship. Chinese people can't count? WTF is the world coming to.