Sharantyr;205673 wroteThanks for the good advice. I am still fairly new at this and all feedback is great. I need to remember it is better to win a small pot vs losing the big one. Now had I raised say to 5xbb and he came out and reraised you push or again reraise him? I have seen that senario too and even had the betting been more aggressive to start, even to the point where we are aipf the result would be the same. I can't imagine anyone folding AA preflop no matter how many raises are put in.
although im newish, year or so, i think can answer this...never fold allin preflop. unless in tourney play and its a payout decision. or if your at a sitngo on the bb and the rest of the table is all in. and its possible he woulda called but you woulda made the correct play. its more likely he would fold and if not then you know hes overplaying pairs at the very least.