philliivey Graham;205413 wrotePeople play there? +1 mirrion I hope you don't have alot of money on there GTA, They are the next pitbull poker
Graham Cake has some really crappy software imo. It is full of bugs and I know many people who have had it crash on them all the time. Then to top it off, Doyle's has moved their room so many times to different networks (I think about 3 in the last 5 years). They sell their mailing lists (maybe not intentionally but I have been offered several times and it has been verified to be legit). So to answer your question, no I don't.
Hobbes philliivey;205447 wrote+1 mirrion I hope you don't have alot of money on there GTA, They are the next pitbull poker And how exactly have you assertained this?
philliivey Hobbes;205473 wroteAnd how exactly have you assertained this? oiiiiiii don't use those fancy college words :p Just from what I have heard and read, looks like alot of funny stuff there:)
[deleted] simply put, anything but the major sites is ... only one that isnt huge that I raped and had very profitable cashouts was sunpoker, and pokertime. doylesroom, tony g, etc, etc. are a joke. even pacific has gotten horrible. tilt and stars only over here now.. might as well play with the best, instead of getting sucked out by donkeys on the "lesser knowns" just my .02, but trust me ive tried THEM ALL.
[deleted] GTA Poker;205491 wroteI knew that was you what are you talking about? my name isnt kathy? im a dude, dude.