So theres tons of people on this forum that are loads better than me however I'm sure there must be a few up and comers still trying to make a bankroll at the lower limits. Some of the knowledge I've gained all the way through 1/2 cent, 2/5 cent, and now 5/10 cent.
1/2 - You really should be crushing these games if you read anything on here at all imo lol, so I won't say anything about this except seriously, bet big when u have a hand and keep the pot small in marginal spots. Play your position and fold lots.
2/5 - Found 2/5 to be not that much of a step up from 1/2, I think you need to play your hands a bit more tricky but still the best way to beat this limit is again position, folding lots and acquiring the skills to build big pots when your either drawing or already holding a monster. Players dont like to fold so you will get paid off a decent amount of times when your draw hits. I have some rather hilarious posts somewhere in here about some epic failed 'hero' calls villains have had on me in the past in these limits, usually I have them crushed. Also at this level I don't think pure bluffing EVER needs to happen, but I am a huge fan of the semi-bluff because as i said if u hit u do seem to get paid off alot.
5/10- This is the first time I noticed an appreciable jump in skill, players seem to have some understanding of more advanced concepts but alot of them I find are using them all horribly wrong. Biggest difference is the use of the 'light' 3Bet. I DO like this move at this level, if used SPARINGLY. I think it can get you out of what would otherwise be alot of tough spots. The biggest leak in your game you will need to fix at this level is this: Try to avoid at all costs cold calling a pf raiser from OOP. The only times I would advocate this are really good suited connectors looking to hit a monster flop (67s 78s 89s 910s J10s are all fine) also SUITED broadways. If you are calling pf raisers with shit like AJo, 79s, KJo, QJo, this is a huge leak in your game, your simply playing too many hands out of position, and you are going to find yourself in too many marginal spots. I am however, not saying these hands can't be useful in a different way. If you find yourself in a spot against a player whom you think will fold to a 3bet a decent chunk of the time I think its best to 3bet the very top of your folding range. There are a couple reasons for this. One is that you may win the pot right then and there. Two is that if you are called, your still going to have decent equity against pocket pairs, and other broadway cards. If I see a player re-raising A9o from a button raise, I know I'm dealing with someone who probably has quite a good grasp on this concept. You really shouldn't be calling with A9o but I consider a raise the very next best thing against the right opponents. Some opponents who arent raising very much from their button your probably going to want to steer away from, but come on your a thinking poker player, keep a look out for these spots.
Just to further exemplify my point, think of how bad you are playing when you are just cold calling a raise OOP. You give up two very big things right from the get go, the first of course is that you have to play the hand out of position the entire hand, and secondly, you've given up the chance to be the pf aggressor, you can't c-bet if you just called, and your chance of bluffing an opponent out of the pot has now gone way down. So really take a minute to think before calling in the SB or BB, because you really want to play a hand thats going to play well after the flop and be able to take alot of heat from your opponents who are probably c-betting a decent number of flops. I always consider the pf caller to be the one thats trying to 'crack' the hand of the pf raiser, because If im the pf raiser, even if I raise on the button with 57s, you know I'm representing that ace every time the flop comes down something like 3 7 A. You will have to fold a majority of the time when your pocket 8's were ahead pf and flop but if your up against a player who is going to semi bluff u a decent number of times your not going to know where you stand in the hand. Having 57s >> 88 is not cool, and it occurs so often because of position.
Ok enough about 10NL if you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer though, I think there are tons more qualified people out there to help. Just this is what helped my game improve a ton, so good luck!