GTA Poker;204977 wrote5/10 PLO usually runs when the bigger players can't get enough players for the 10/25/50 PLO game -- it is kind of sporadic and random and the duration varies from an hour to a full session -- I have played it at Deerfoot and Stampede, but just like the big game it rotates around the city. Usually the players will get the game up to 10/25/(50) once enough people consent, so it is kind of just a starter game until the bigger game gets going. If you call Deerfoot and Stampede and sometimes ever Grey Eagle you can find it, but it isn't very often and I don't have the bankroll for 10/25/ I just sit when I happen to come across it. If you have the bankroll for the big game I hear it is very good, but you are talking 6 figures to play it properly.
You can find some 2/5 DC games around the city at times -- seems to be a wave where they go every night and then suddenly all you can find is 1/2 for a few weeks.
LOL.....yeah, not me....the PLO sounds the same as it is here (although the big game doesn't get as big)
Used to live in Calgary, learned PLO @ the ABS (Casino Calgary)...playing 10/20 Limit with the kill (before PLO was popular) then switched to PLO.....always starts 2-5, then, the more money that gets on the table, everyone wants to buy in for more, so in a couple hours you're playing 10-25....that's when I'd lose back the 3 G's I was up and didn't have the roll to buy in at the new were the days.