Richard~ Stud8 has got me extremely tilted right now. Had a couple of terrible beats but went out after going all in on fourth street with flush, straight and low draws against a guy who beat me with an ace on 7th giving him ace high. I think he started with k94 or something random
westside8 Busted event 10 in record time. TT < A4 on a T23 9 5 board, and then KK < JJ on a T72 J board.
Hobbes westside8;206072 wroteBusted event 10 in record time. TT < A4 on a T23 9 5 board, and then KK < JJ on a T72 J board. wtg wes :) Still in 10 w 11k @ 2nd break
jdAA88 standard mini ftops bustout for me :( Poker hand played on Full Tilt Poker with a pot size of $9,825 -
Hobbes Fishsticks;206319 wroteI'm going to play the Main Event. I hope it's not too crowded. =) Only 1100 so far. Small field. lol
moose In HORSE tonight and won a sat for ME last night. Edit: didn't realize there were two events at 9 today. So I bought in 25 min late and ran into a huge donk who kindly made up for lost time and doubled me up and then I took the rest of his chips 2 hands later. In HORSE I have a ton of people on my table with no clue how to play Razz. Sweet.
Hobbes jdAA88;206515 wrotegot 1700 chippers left in event #15.. edit: just busted me 2 1993/8528 :( Crippled AJ < T6 then couldn't win a flip. :(
philliivey Hobbes;206522 wroteme 2 1993/8528 :( Crippled AJ < T6 then couldn't win a flip. :( ITM or just short?
philliivey Hobbes;206459 wroteOnly 1100 so far. Small field. lol Ya but I think it will be lots by the time it rolls around, It was over 10,000 the one I played back in spring. That being said 5 dollar shares to stake me into it anyone?:)