Nov. 27 there is a sale on a solid hot stamped Casino Paulson tournament set. Details are few but they will be less than $0.79 ea, which is a steal.
I am going to order some. The two people that order the most can also purchase $5000 chips. So if anyone wants to get in on my order, hopefully we can make one of the two largest buys and get some of these $5000 chips.
A good one table sng breakdown would be 8/13/5 for T4000.
80 $25s
130 $100s
50 $500s
Your costs would be at most $0.79 ea US + shipping + brokerage. So approx 260*$0.79 = $205 US. This is approx because the actual cost will be less than $0.79, how much we don't know.
If you want to commit, post your desired quantities and breakdown. I will hold you to buying these chips at the approximate cost of $0.79 ea plus any shipping and brokerage fees, which will be fairly low if spread out amongst a couple buyers. At worst you will have a serviceable tournament set of real casino Paulson chips. At best you will have an extremely valuable collectible item.
Photos are on facebook. They look pretty hot.
The Chip Room | Facebook
Available are:
T1000 and possibly T5000 if we have one of the largest two orders.
You can order any breakdown you like, I only gave you a suggested breakdown above.