payperview Sick pot! watching them on FTP. Both are insane. Patrik Antonius wins $878,959 on Omaha PL $500/$1000
Fishsticks Yeah, check out how big stack Antonius had, insane: Antonius crushes Isildur1 - Wins the biggest online pot ever, $879k | High Stakes News
blackmagicz I have been watching these battles since they started the other week and I am putting on my tin foil hat saying that this Isildur charactor has found a way to exploit the software. Some of his hands where he checks second nut where other times he is betting really is mind boggling. I also watched last night where he hit two backdoor flushes basically within a span of 5 minutes and he was pressing the entire way. I realize he is hyper aggro but that is just obsurd. I realize that I play no where near those stakes and I don't claim to have a conception of the game at that level but to go on such a tear and be so dominating out of no where (i know the claims of this player on Euro sites crushing the game there too) is really odd. The inability for Durrrr to adjust to Isildur1 game is also odd. I guess only time will tell, but I won't be surprised if something computer assisted is helping him with this software.
Little King Blackmagicz seems correct. I watched maybe 30 minutes of Durrr vs Isldur or w/e. Isldur was winning like 9/10 hands. If he is legit though I must say he is a pretty sick player. He called Dwan with Jack High with a $55,000 pot, and won. He came from nowhere though.
payperview I have to agree with little King and blackmagic, it does look strange the way Isulidur play hands. The other night he called 110k reraise and left behind 14k. He hit the nut flush on river then shipped the rest to patricks Q high flush. Why not ship the other 14k ???
derrickone This was beaten today. $1.3M. So sick.
88Fingers Isildur is on a $5M downswing according to PTR. He has given most if not all of his Durrrr monies back to the Team.
philliivey ya was watching this last night, it was weird how all of them were playing, same size pots and bets every hand.
Graham Fishsticks;206320 wroteThat's sick. I read that "Isildur1" is broke now. Cole South took the last dollars. Brian Hastings took him for like 4.3 Million the other day... Brian Hastings Crushes Isildur1