Licentia;202919 wroteHello everyone,
I am really struggling right now on how to play lesser pairs. I don't know all of the technical terms that you all know so forgive the basic-ness of my post.
What value is a 77 when the flop is Q-10-3? Say someone Bets before me on the Flop. Should I just toss the 77 or is it worthwhile to call? If I bet after they have bet and they have a better pair I waste my cash. If I call one bet on the Flop,Turn and River and someone has QQ or TT I have wasted my money.
I just don't understand how a 77 has such a high EV rating... Well, except when the pot is checked to me. If I play last it may be worth a raise... But if someone called or raised again it wouldn't be worth calling on the Turn and River. I don't know...
Alright so, to me this would have to come down to what knowledge you have of the player. If it is a aggressive player betting pre-flop than it is very safe to say he could be any cards. Most likely face card and a rag. Or two standard cards. So the odds of him having a 10 is a possibility. If it is a tight player, than I would assume possible AK, KK, AQ, AJ. So the possibility of having the Q is very possible, or not far from. Possibly 2 over cards and he wants to prove strong. 77 most of the time would be a easy fold in that situation, unless you have a good read, or a strong instinct that you have him beat. Try not to over-think these situations on the spot because you don't want to end up second guessing yourself and making the wrong decission.
That is my personal opinion, id probably stick around to hear what others say though as I am not the most experienced here.