bubbajim98;202420 wroteThere were 112 out of 500. Top prize was 3000 and they paid 90. I did the odds at I should have been about 55% to win. The original raises raised a lot of hands and I think that I wanted him in there. Is this just another case of "thats poker" or did I play it bad?
55%? To win the hand?
I don't think this is true, unless im mistaken on what you are saying, or just don't understand this game yet. Because you don't know the other two hands, to get the 'odds' you have to put them on ranges and do it against their ranges. it is possible you were even better than that maybe worse.
And the number of people and payouts don't matter, don't know where i was going with that. you have enough to small ball this but i think its clear you were getting raised all in either way. Shoving add fold equity and is probably better but i think someone could do the math on all this. I do wonder how many times a person would incorrectly lay down kings to a bet on the flop if an ace hits....
Whats the percentage an ace will hit...and what are the chances he'll make a big bet on it, close to 100% if he has an ace? plus a few times as bluffs. Show your work please.....;)