End;201533 wroteHey... two questions that I think are gaps in my game... any advice would be awesome!
The first issue I have is playing the Dumb End of a 4-board straight. Frankly, I think I fold this hand too often. Any advice? What about if I'm holding top kicker (some A)?
The second comes when I am dealt small-medium pocket pairs. I find myself folding these hands anytime a Face'd overcard hits on the flop, and somebody before me bets. Is that too often? I feel predictable always folding this hand to that play.
Thanks in advance.
If you think your pocket pair is good, than put pressure on him to find out where you stand. Thats what I would do, others would have a different opinion.
By the way, I found it quiet funny when I read "two quick questions". I'm sure you can figure it out :P