Well, I finally went busto, by initial deposit of $100 lasted a good ol' 8 months.
I know Jeff & Graham this is probably against the forum rules, or posted in the wrong area. But as a long time member of CPF, will you let this post slide under your radar.
I am here to ask for $100.00USD for 10% stake for 5 months.
Here is the scenerio:
1) With a $100USD stake
I will be 3-4 tabling $0.05/$0.10 $3.00 Cap Games, I only sit at these tables with $5.00 to start - I know its cap, but its easier for me to do the math.
2) I will create a sub forum on my progress, giving nightly summary of my session, ie. key hands, profits, etc.
3) I receive rakeback every Friday from on FTP - RaketheRake.
4) Every friday, I will ship you 10% of my profits (which includes rakeback)
for example: Starting Stake $100.00
Period Ending First upcoming Friday my balance is now $110.00
$5 Rackback = $115 Total (Including Rackback + Initial Capital)
Subtract initial capital = $15.00
Your stakeback on Friday = $1.50 (10% Stake + Rakeback)
This is just an example, if the amount is less then $1.00 this will carry over to the following Friday.
If I do not make a weekly profit - You will get 10% of my weekly rackback.
Which means you should be getting monies every Friday, regardless of Win/Lose
If I start the next week with under my initial capital, the formula will start with that #
Jeff & Graham, I hope you guys can vouch for me - as I am a long time forum member.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave comments or questions.
My FTP name is LovisPoker
My first $100 deposit lasted me 2 days I think so you started better than me.
No comment on the staking.
Well, if it wasn't for a couple of MTT wins - It would of been Busto 5 months in.
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but $100 roll is barely enough for the limits you're playing imo. Maybe playing cap it is, but it would mean you're short stacking.
Where would you playing this on? P* or FTP?
I would be playing this on FTP as they offer cap games. 6max
Also, I have been grinding this for the past 3 formula did have substance at first, then I started playing some DON's that took me to busto.
But with pure disipline + stake + goal = $monies
Especially on a public forum such as CPF with a spotlight on my ass every session, will enable me to play much better...imo
This seems like something on Dragons Den... How come the investor only gets 10% for $100? They are taking all the risk if it is only their money you will be playing with. Will you also be contributing some money to the starting roll? Will you only be playing cash games?
Ya not really how playing staked works (although for proven players it can).
You would need to divide up the profits each Friday (or generally after a set period) and then start fresh.
You also need to address how to deal with investor losses from week to week and will need to ship the investors back their initial funds at the end.
I've been staking players for a couple of years now and actually showing a profit :)
Rockwood that you look at does have a Dragon's Den spin on it.
I would be playing strictly 0.05/0.10 NLH 6 Max. Cap games on FTP
10% for 5 months seems fair, for $100USD investment.
Especially since the investor gets a piece of my rackback win or lose weekly.
Let's not forget - even after the initial capital is given back under the 5 month contract, I would still be giving up profits of 10% to fulfill the 5 month contract.
To answer your question Hobbes:
If I fail to make a profit during a week - the investor would get 10% of my weekly rackback.
This is easily tracked through RacktheRack.
I would then continue with what I have - as my new starting capital.
ie. Week 1 I lose 10 dollars, my new start would be 90.00 and profits + rake would start from this point forward.
OP - Im all for staking, and in some cases may be interested.
That said, the first rule of a potential stakee is to sell yourself, and at no point have you stated why this is a good investment.
Why should I invest my money into your skill?
What successes have you had?
Can you transfer less than $5 on FT?
Rockwood;200846 wrote10% for 5 months seems fair, for $100USD investment.
Especially since the investor gets a piece of my rackback win or lose weekly.
Yes, but if you lose it all in the 1st week 10% of nothing for the other 4 months and 3 weeks is still nothing.
moose;200850 wroteCan you transfer less than $5 on FT?
forgot to mention that
$5 min on FTP
I really don't understand asking for a stake for only $100. If you think you can make money, why get a stake, just keep all the profits for yourself. If you can't why would anyone stake you... This whole staking thing perplexes me...
10% is not a good deal when your investor is putting 100% of the funds you are playing with. A 50/50 split is by far a lot more fair and attractive, but Wetts is right, you have to convince those here that you are indeed a worthy investment. So far, I don't see it.
You've admitted you lost your last roll entirely. You are playing short stack on limits you won't be rolled for. And you're not making the payback over the period profitable for anyone.
Have you considered stakeback? Where as soon as you earn back your investors original investment, he gets that back immediately, and then a 50/50 split of any/all profit. That would be a much more attractive deal to make, however you still need to show you're a winning player. Supplying OPR or Sharkscope stats is a good way to do this. Do you know what your OPR is at the moment?
compuease;200857 wroteI really don't understand asking for a stake for only $100. If you think you can make money, why get a stake, just keep all the profits for yourself. If you can't why would anyone stake you... This whole staking thing perplexes me...
Essentially the same thing as any biz that needs investors.
for those that play for a living it reduces variance, which is a good thing when you have to pay bills with your profits.
No need for BR management. You can play the games that you are +ev in without having to be properly rolled.
AJ it's for cash games.
But you are correct 50/50 is std
as Kevin would say "So how do I make moneeeeyyy??"
10% stake (including rakeback) is way under market value. Say you turn it into $1000, I would receive $200 + 10% rakeback. You would receive $800 + 90% rakeback?
Sorry thats a bad investment (not dissing your poker skill).
Hobbes;200861 wroteEssentially the same thing as any biz that needs investors.
for those that play for a living it reduces variance, which is a good thing when you have to pay bills with your profits.
No need for BR management. You can play the games that you are +ev in without having to be properly rolled.
Yeh, I understand that, but for a lousy $100.? Now if he was asking for 50 or 100g's.. different story...
Your right, 10% really isn't fair. 60/40 Stakeback is possible too.
You can OPR or SHARKSCOPE me:
FTP: LovisPoker
Keep in mind this is cash games only, not tournaments