Hellmuth's Mole And thusly there will be football. And I will be looking for a sit 'n go around 8:30 - 9 ish to play so I can stay away. A couple forumers have joined me the last few weeks and tonight I thought I should drop the idea a bit sooner and maybe we can make some noise. Looking at Stars or Tilt a bit before 9. Buy-in from $5-$10. Anyone interested throw out some requests as I am easy. If anyone wants to take the bull by the horns and set up a Forum only tourney that could be fun too. Post your innedness now.
Hellmuth's Mole Buzzzardd;200497 wroteI will be home from work at around 10. Is there usually a second game also? Quite likely if we get enough interest in the first. I'll likely be ready for #4 by 10.
Hellmuth's Mole Hey whoa! Slow down everybody, there's lots of room for everyone! Bump for indolence.
cool_teen Hellmuth's Mole;200582 wroteHey whoa! Slow down everybody, there's lots of room for everyone! Bump for indolence. so what u wanna do playong on pokerstars cash table? which tourny if u talking about .
Hellmuth's Mole Just settling in for the 35k guaranteed on Full Tilt right now. Would prefer a 45 man S'nG there later. Will open up Stars if necessary for the masses.
Hellmuth's Mole FML out of 35k. - AK<AJ - 3 bet AK called by 3's flop A, river 3 - flop king high straight with K10, guy with A10 catches K on river for nuts. Let's go coolteen. Stars soon while I'm hot. First new $5+.50 45 man S'nG after 8:45.
wildbill7145 Hey Mole, I'm too tired to play anything right now, but maybe we should try and get the weekly forum game going again. I seem to remember you were a regular at those? I figure they started to fall apart when summer arrived, which makes sense. Everybody's bbquing, etc. Now everyone's settling in for fall and the imminent winter hell. Just a thought. They were always pretty fun. Plus Kristy's back with her own personal version of trash talk!
moose Yay QQ 1st hand. Bust out post to follow.... ...let's see I have mid pair on the flop, let's call and go runner runner straight. Yep.
Hellmuth's Mole Buzzzardd;200609 wroteLet me know if you sign up for a second one on Stars. Just got bounced from the $5+.50 You pick one, I'm in.