made a call, sounds like you need a direct vented type unit, which is not gonna offer any rebates. I would recommend you do a simple swap out with your electric unit. I hate to say it, but in your home it may cost from $1500 (actual unit cost of direct fired boiler) to an installation cost of $2500
So i respectfully would advise you to go with a replacement electric unit, unless you feel you can make up the additional costs with savings offsets.
In which case i will be happy to help further.
Thanks Mike, that's been the general consensus from everyone I've talked to as well. I would need a high efficiency direct vent unit, which is much more money, as well as the gas pipe layout from one end of the house to the other. It seems at this time, it isn't the most cost effective route, but I still have someone coming over tonight to just inspect and verify everything to me. I'll make my decision after that, but it looks more and more like I will be staying with electric due to the higher costs for installation.
Water heater just tanked today. Hopefully I can find a new motor or Im looking at a new one. Probably just rent from Direct Energy. Had so many problems with the last one, which we own. AJ, are you happy with the new one?
Motor? Electric water heater?
Just replaced my electric a month ago. Cost me $890 total for unit and installation, 8 year warranty. Took them less than 3 hrs and they took the old one away.
Journeyman Plumber/Gasfitter with some extra HVAC design courses
Cliffs; electric is 100% efficient as no heat escapes up the stack. Any that is lost through the jacket goes into your house.
Tankless/instantaneous are great, hear they keep up with demand quite well if sized properly, but they need annual maintenance or the heat exchangers calcify/clog and performance goes way down
Conventional, really they are not bad, quick to install and cheap to replace as compared to trying to retrofit a high efficiency with PVC flue, especially if there are interlocks and dampers involved.
As for motor, didnt read thread but assuming it was a ventor on a direct vent gas?
Shouldnt be too bad to replace?