I am playing a FR tourney for a friend's hockey team. I have to assume that the poker skill level is going to be erratic at best. I'm flip flopping on how I should approach this game. I don't know any of the specifics, chip stack, structure, rebuy etc...
Assuming it is a donkfest, do I play only premium/nut hands and if I do, do I overbet them everytime hoping that someone thinks their top pair is good or do I splash around like the rest and try to get lucky?
Play your normal game, with less bluffing and betting more for value with the nuts.
Oh, and take a helmet :D
I think it depends mostly on the structure...
I've played in a few of these, and the worst one I recall was one where you would pay $20, and get your "tube" of chips... the tubes weren't necessarily uniform, so some people started with more/less chips. The blinds went up stupidly fast, until the point where they just went back to betting tubes (which ironically were less than the blinds had been before tubes).
Basically, recognize the "bingo" factor of the tourney, if it's ridiculous, push with anything reasonable - AT+ pre-flop, TP+ on any flop. If it's decent structure, then just take guys to value town.
It will depend on the structure a bit, but Annie Duke recommends limping into a lot of pots in a situation like this. You can't expect people to fold, so you need to catch flops.
When you have a hand play it straight forward. Most people will be playing ABC poker and as posted earlier you probably won't be able to bluff them or move them off 1 pair even if there are 2 overcards that come :)
Seems like most tournaments especially at the beginning stages. Survive the minefield until you get to safer grounds in the mid to late stages.
Thanks for the advice guys, it worked like an absolute charm....for a while.
I won at least 14-18 pots in the first hour, nearly quadrupling my stack. It was almost like cheating. The starting stack and structure were absolutely hilarious. By the 5th level, it cost you 800 to see a flop LOL! Bingofest ensued and see ya!
2,000 starting chips. Blinds 20 mins...
300-600-200A took my exit in 7 minutes here
I highly recommend playing in at least one these in your lifetime.
EDIT: forgot to mention that it was 6 people per table max and often it was just 5 handed.