darbday;206208 wrotei generally like to get to the turn cheap as the A K or Q usually holds on or goes all in if i make a post flop bet, and i like to see a non four flush card because i can then push them off the turn or a least get a worse draw set up for them. but in this case it wouldn't matter, i couldn't get off this hand.
but playing suited connector with the earlier limper is something i refrain from most of the time. i suppose he was doing it a lot though.
Why do you want him to see a cheap turn? If he holds a higher diamond you want him to PAY. We flopped HUGE, We need to ask how all the money gets in the pot. Yes, A high FD will probably stay around, but thats where your money is. We know where 5 diamonds are, we put him on 1, that means he has 7 diamonds in the deck, and only a approx. a 28% fo hitting by the river. Are we happy if he shoves the flop? oh yeah. Are we happy if he calls a big bet on the flop/turn? Absolutely. Are we happy to give him a free chance to suck out? Hell no. We flop a flush approx. 1/200 times, so when we do, we need to get paid.
I dont know why you want to push him off the turn. I'd love a call from a guy whose drawing to a 14% chance of winning, providing I denied him odds to call (ie a half pot bet)
If you keep giving free cards due to the fear of the suck out, you're losing value and he's gaining. The way we make money at poker is making our opponents make mistakes.
Sklansky said it best. If all the cards were open from preflop, and we played the same way, we gain. If we played differently knowing his hole cards, villian gains. and vice versa.