Ihaveyourname;196264 wroteHere is the fail. You aren't gonna make top ten if you lose the race. You are going home.
As you said, you had nothing invested, no need to make the call other than showing him who's boss. Your read is sound, so a call is ok here in those regards. But, given all the other circumstances (the way I read them now) there is just no need.
I always lay this down, in any other time where i think i can double up for 50/50. but this time the way thing are, i strongly feel doubling up will make me 2k. And I have a strong thought that this guy saw a weak ace and went all in. I'm not arguing just exlporing, but im confident that this is 50/50 at worst for about $2k. but at the stack i have im likely to make better than 10th anyways.
thanks all, ive learnt from the thread alone already