All dvds are in good condition and in their original cases
13 going on 30
28 Days
3000 Miles to Graceland
40 year old virgin
50 first dates
A Cinderella Story(Hillary Duff)
A Mission To Kill
A Scanner darkly(Keanu reeves)
About a Boy
adventures in babysitting
Alien Vs Predator
Alone in the Haunted House-Blinded By the Blood\
Along Came Polly
American Beauty
American Gangster
American Phsyco
Andre Rieu-Love Songs
are we there yet
Armageddon (Sealed)
Army of Darkness
August Rush
Bad santa
Bad Seed(Luke wilson)
Balls of Fury
Barbershop 2
Basketball diaries-leanardo Dicaprio
Battlefield Earth(john Travolta)
Bend it like beckhem
Best Defence-Crazy people-Double Feature
Beyond the Sea (kevin Spacey)
Big Bounce
Bill and Teds Excellent adventure
Blue Collar Comedy tour:The movie(Blockbuster Box)
Blue Crush
Born To Be Sold
BrainDrainer-Working Stiffs
Bring it on
bring it on Again
Broken Flowers(bill murray)
Bruce Almighty
Bruce Lee Double Feature-fists of fury-The chinese connection
captain kidd
Carlitos Way(Al Pacino, Sean Penn)
Cat o'Ninie Tails
charli chaplin-collectors choice
Charlies angels
Charlies angels 2 Full throtle
Charlies Angels Full Throttle
Chronocling Narnia
Chrononicling Narnia
City by the Sea(robert deniro)
Cleopatra Jones
Clockwork Orange
Collateral damage
Comedy now starring russel Peters
Coming to America (Eddie Murphy)
Confidence(Dustin Hoffman)
Connie and Carla(Toni Collette)
Conversation(s) with other women
Cover-Ups and close encounters
Crouching Tiger Hidden Draggon
dave chappels block party
David Copperfield
Desperation Highway
Die hard
Die Hard with a vengence
Die Hard:Die Harder
Die Hard:Live Free or Die Hard
Dr quinn Medicine Women
Dracula(anthony Hopkins)
Dream catcher
Eddie Murphy-Delirious
Eddie Murphy-Raw
Elizas Horoscope(Tommy lee Jones
Escape From Sobibor(Rutger Hauer)
Ever After
Feeders Earth was Just an appetizer-Among Us Double Feature
Ferris Beuleres Day Off-Special edition
Fever Pitch
Fighting Caravan
Flesh Freaks-Dead Hunter
Fools Gold
Four Brothers
Freedom Deep
From Hell(Johny depp)
Fun With Dick and Jane
G.I Jane
Gangster Story
Ghost Rider
Girl Interrupted
Golden State
Gone in 60 seconds
Good Morning Vietnam
Great Mafia Movies-Honour Thy Father-Mob War-Family enforcer
Guilty by Suspicion
Harlem Nights (eddie murphy)
Heat(Al Pacino)
Heathers(Winona Ryder)
Hide and Seek
Horror express
House of Flying Daggers
Hustle and Flow
I <3 huckabees
i Think I Love My Wife(chris Rock)
In her shoes
in search of america(Jeff Bridges)
Intolerable Cruelty
It had to be you
Jackie Brown- Collectors eddition
Just Like Heaven
Just Married
Just My Luck (lindsay Lohan)
Kill Bill
King Kong(Jack Black)
Kiss Kiss bang Bang
Kiss Me Kill Me
Knocked up
knocked up
Lars and the real Girl(Ryan Gosling)
Leathal weapon 2 (sealed)
les Edukaters
Lethal weapon
Lethal weapon 3 (Sealed)
License to wed
Life or something like it
Lord of War
Lost Boys-The Tribe
Lost In Translation
Love Actually
M:I-2 (Sealed)Mission Impossible 2
Mambo Italiano
Man of the House
Man of the Year
Man on Fire 2 disc sett
Matchstick Men
Mean Girls
Men of Honour
Men With Brooms
Merlin -Special edition
Monster in law
Moulan Rouge
Mr. Ans Mrs. Smith
Murder In the First Kevin Bacon
Music and Lyrics
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My date with drew
My Moms New Boyfriend(meg Ryan)
Mystic River
Napolean Dynamite
Never been kissed
Nicholas Nickleby
No Country For Old Men
Not without My Daughter
Notting Hill
Old School
Out of Time
P.S I Love You
Perfect stranger(Bruce Willis Halle Berry)
Peter Pan(2004)
Planet of the apes
Prom Queen
Pulp Fiction Collectors Edition
Queen of the Damned
Raising Helen
Riddick the Triliogy(Vin Diesel)
Romeo+ Juliet(Leonardo Dicaprio)
Rule #3
Rumble Fish
Rumor has it
Running scared(paul Walker)
Save the Last Dance
Saw 3
Saw II
Saw V
Shanghai Knights
Shes Having A baby (kevin Bacon)
Shes the Man
shop Girl(Steve Martin)
Silent Night Bloody Night
Sin City
Sin City
Sister Act
Sleepy Hollow(Johny depp)
Smoking aces
Someone Like You
Star Wars 2
Star Wars 3
Star Wars I
stranger than fiction
Summer School
Super size Me (sealed)
Terminator Rise of the Machine
Thank You For Smoking
The devil wears prada
The Best Man
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Identity
The Brave One(jodie Foster)
The brothers
The Butterfly Effect
The Corporation 2 disc set (blockbuster box)
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Crow
The demon (Cameron Mitchell)
The Family stone
The Fountain
The Happening
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Hunchback of Notre Dame-The original silent film classic
The Italian job
The Lake House
The Last Kiss
The last Mimzy
The long kiss goodnight (Samuel L. Jackson)
The Lost Boys
The Manchurian Candidate
The Matrix Revisited(Sealed)
The Mexican
The mistress of spices
The Prince and me
The Princess Bride
The Radical(Henry Winkler)
The rocky Horror Picture show
The Royal tenenbaums-The Criterion Collection
The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants
The Swap (Robert Deniro
The Terminal
The Usual suspects
The Weather Man
The wedding Planner
The Wedding Singer
The Whole Nine Yards
The Whole Ten Yards
Theres something About Mary Collectors Eddition
Three Kings
Tibetan refuge
Time Bandits
Tip Toes
Top Secret(Val Kilmer)
Trading Places
True Lies
two brothers a girl and a gun
Uptown Girls
Walking Life
War of the Worlds
We Own The night
Wedding Crashers
West side Story
What Comes Around
Where the heart is
While you were sleeping (Sandra Bullock)
Will smith Live in concert
Win a date with Ted Hamilton
X-Men 2
youve got mail
13 going on 30
28 Days
3000 Miles to Graceland
40 year old virgin
50 first dates
A Cinderella Story(Hillary Duff)
A Guy Thing
A Mission To Kill
A Scanner darkly(Keanu reeves)
About a Boy
adventures in babysitting
After The Sunset
Alex and Emma
Alien Vs Predator
All dvds are in great condition and in their original cases
Alone in the Haunted House-Blinded By the Blood\
Along Came Polly
American Beauty
American Gangster
American Phsyco
American Strays (Luke Perry)
Andre Rieu-Love Songs
Anti trust
are we there yet
Armageddon (Sealed)
August Rush
Austin Powers:GoldMember
Bad santa
Bad Seed(Luke wilson)
Balls of Fury
Barbershop 2
Battlefield Earth(john Travolta)
Be Cool(John Travolta, Uma Thurman)
Best Defence-Crazy people-Double Feature
Beyond the Sea (kevin Spacey)
Big Bounce
Blue Collar Comedy tour:The movie(Blockbuster Box)
Blue Crush
Born To Be Sold
BrainDrainer-Working Stiffs
Bring it on
bring it on Again
Broken Flowers(bill murray)
Bruce Almighty
Bruce Lee Double Feature-fists of fury-The chinese connection
captain kidd
Cat o'Ninie Tails
charli chaplin-collectors choice
Charlies angels
Charlies angels 2 Full throtle
Charlies Angels Full Throttle
Charlies Angels:Full Throttle (special edition)
Chronocling Narnia
City by the Sea(robert deniro)
Cleopatra Jones
Collateral damage
Comedy now starring russel Peters
Conversation(s) with other women
Cover-Ups and close encounters
Cradle 2 the grave
Crouching Tiger Hidden Draggon
dave chappels block party
David Copperfield
Dear Mr. wonderfull (Joe Pesci)
Desperation Highway
Die Another day 007
Dinner with Friends
DMX Never Die Alone
Dr quinn Medicine Women
Dracula(anthony Hopkins)
Dream catcher
Driven(sylvestor Stallone)
Dungeons and dragons
Eddie Murphy-Delirious
Eddie Murphy-Raw
Elizas Horoscope(Tommy lee Jones
Ever After
Feeders Earth was Just an appetizer-Among Us Double Feature
Fever Pitch
Fighting Caravan
Flesh Freaks-Dead Hunter
Fools Gold
Four Brothers
Freedom Deep
From Hell(Johny depp)
Fun With Dick and Jane
G.I Jane
Gangster Story
Garden State
Get Carter(Sylvestor stallone)
Ghost Rider
Glory Years
Godsend(Robert Deniro)
Gone in 60 seconds
Gothika(Halle Berry)
Great Mafia Movies-Honour Thy Father-Mob War-Family enforcer
Guilty by Suspicion
Harlem Nights (eddie murphy)
Heat(Al Pacino)
Hide and Seek
Horror express
House of Flying Daggers
Hustle and Flow
I <3 huckabees
i Think I Love My Wife(chris Rock)
In her shoes
in search of america(Jeff Bridges)
It had to be you
Jackie Brown- Collectors eddition
Just Like Heaven
Just Married
Just My Luck (lindsay Lohan)
Kill Bill
King Kong(Jack Black)
Kiss Me Kill Me
knocked up
Legally Blonde
Legaly blonde 2
les Edukaters
License to wed
Life or something like it
Lord of War
Lost Boys-The Tribe
Lost In Translation
Love Actually
M:I-2 (Sealed)Mission Impossible 2
Man of the House
Man of the Year
Man on Fire 2 disc sett
Matchstick Men
Mean Girls
Men of Honour
Men With Brooms
Merlin -Special edition
Mona Lisa Smiles
Monster in law
Moulan Rouge
Mr. Ans Mrs. Smith
Murder In the First Kevin Bacon
Music and Lyrics
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My date with drew
My Moms New Boyfriend(meg Ryan)
Mystic River
Napolean Dynamite
Never been kissed
Nicholas Nickleby
Not without My Daughter
Old School
Out of Time
P.S I Love You
Peter Pan(2004)
Planet of the apes
Prom Queen
Queen of the Damned
Raising Helen
Riddick the Triliogy(Vin Diesel)
Romeo+ Juliet(Leonardo Dicaprio)
Rule #3
Rumor has it
Running scared(paul Walker)
Save the Last Dance
Saw 3
Saw II
Saw V
Scooby Doo(The Movie)
Shanghai Knights
Shes Having A baby (kevin Bacon)
Shes the Man
shop Girl(Steve Martin)
Silent Night Bloody Night
Sin City
Sin City
Sky Captain and the world of tommorow
Smoking aces
Someone Like You
Star Wars 2
Star Wars 3
Star Wars I
stranger than fiction
Suicide Kings(Christaphor Walkens)
Summer School
Thank You For Smoking
The Best Man
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Identity
The Brave One(jodie Foster)
The brothers
The Butterfly Effect
The Corporation 2 disc set (blockbuster box)
The Count of Monte Cristo
The demon (Cameron Mitchell)
The devil wears prada
The Family stone
The Fountain
The Grudge
The Happening
The Hunchback of Notre Dame-The original silent film classic
The Italian job
The Lake House
The Last Kiss
The last Mimzy
The long kiss goodnight (Samuel L. Jackson)
The Lost Boys
The Manchurian Candidate
The Matrix
The Matrix Revisited(Sealed)
The mistress of spices
The Mod Squad
The Perfect Score
The Playaz Court
The Prince and me
The Princess Bride
The Radical(Henry Winkler)
The rocky Horror Picture show
The Sicillian
The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants
The Swap (Robert Deniro
The Sweetest Thing(Cameron diaz)
The Terminal
The Three Stooges 4 episodes
The Three Stooges 4 episodes
The three Stooges:Funniest Momments
The Three Stooges:Story
The Usual suspects
The Weather Man
The wedding Planner
The Whole Nine Yards
The Whole Ten Yards
Three Kings
Tibetan refuge
Time Bandits
Tip Toes
Top Secret(Val Kilmer)
Trading Places
True Lies
Two Weeks Notice
Updated all the time titles going quick
Way of the Gun
Wicker park
Yu-gi-oh The Movie
Uptown Girls
Walking Life
War of the Worlds
We Own The night
Wedding Crashers
West side Story
What Comes Around
Where the heart is
While you were sleeping (Sandra Bullock)
Will smith Live in concert
Win a date with Ted Hamilton
X-Men 2
Youve got mail